Youth facilitators trained in bullying awareness at BAC

On February 5th and 6th a group of ten students and two teachers at BAC were trained through the Red Cross RespectED Program.
Why do we need to prevent bullying? Here are the facts:
❏ Victims of harassment report a loss of interest in school activities, more absenteeism, lower quality school work, lower grades and more skipping/dropping classes, tardiness and truancy.
❏ 71% of teachers say they usually intervene with bullying problems; but only 25% of students say the teachers intervene.
❏ Over 80% of the time, bullying happens with peers around – and 57% of the time, bullying stops within 10 seconds when a bystander steps in.
BAC’s youth facilitators will now be taking what they have learned into the classrooms of BAC and our feeder schools. At BAC our students are aiming at creating a safe, bully-free, healthy environment, for everyone!