Bishop Students Partnering with Crimestoppers

On November 6th, the students of Bishop Alexander Carter C.S.S in Hammer were given a presentation from the nonprofit organization Crime Stoppers. Sudbury Rainbow Crime Stoppers is a partnership of the public, the police, and the media, which provides the community with a proactive program for people to anonymously assist in the solving of crime and contributing to an improved quality of life in our community. Students at Bishop were not only informed about this organization, but also encouraged to use the program to report things that they might see in their community or school that is a crime. They are taking a stance that “this is our community and we want to keep it safe”. A poster will be displayed in the school cafeteria reminding students of this message. Students also learned about the dangers of distracted driving. One student said “It really made me think about how much I affect others when I divert my attention from the road; I definitely think it should be shown to more schools, especially high schools”.