Bishop Alexander Carter Raises $2,500 for Men’s Health Awareness

For the month of November, students and staff at Bishop Alexander Carter Catholic Secondary School (BAC CSS) united to support men’s health awareness through a successful “Movember” fundraising campaign. Their efforts raised $2,500 for Health Sciences North, helping to spotlight critical men’s health issues such as prostate and testicular cancer.
The fundraiser not only encouraged monetary donations to support cancer care initiatives but also aimed to challenge the stigma surrounding men’s health. To inspire contributions and show solidarity, several teachers and staff members embraced the spirit of “Movember” by shaving their beards and proudly sporting moustaches throughout the month.
“The students and staff at Bishop Alexander Carter are proud of what they have accomplished and look forward to continuing this initiative in the future,” said teacher and campaign organizer, Patrick Lezun.
He added, “It’s not just about teaching students to excel in the classroom, but also about encouraging them to step up, make a difference, bring awareness to important causes and change their community for the better.”
While the staff’s participation was a fun and engaging way to raise awareness, the true driving force behind the fundraiser was the students. Their generosity and enthusiasm were instrumental, with donations pouring in from all grade levels. Thanks to their efforts, the school not only met but exceeded the initial $1,500 fundraising goal.
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