Bishop Alexander Carter Participates in School Wide Municipal Student Vote Event

16 schools within the Sudbury Catholic District School Board have registered with the Student Vote Ontario program which runs parallel with the Municipal Election. As part of the program, the entire student population at Bishop Alexander Carter C.S.S participated in a school wide mock election on October 20, 2022.
Student Vote is a program created by CIVIX; a national charity dedicated to strengthening democracy through civic education. Schools may offer a Student Vote event to a single class or to the entirety of the student body. Students engage in activities surrounding government and the electoral process and are provided necessary tools to stage a mock election in their school.
Last year, Bishop Alexander Carter had the highest percentage of students registered during the Provincial Student Vote event and were awarded the CIVIX School Award. The school has continued to be an active member of the program during the 2022 Municipal Election.
“Student Vote is a program that our entire school community remains passionate about. As a direct result of the hands-on and realistic approach this program offers, many students have chosen to exercise their right to vote once eligible. We want to thank Student Vote Ontario for providing us with the necessary tools and materials to stage these mock events during election periods,” said Stephanie Venturi, Principal of Bishop Alexander Carter C.S.S.
“This exercise provided us with the opportunity to research the candidates and make an informed decision. I really enjoyed the event. Participating in the mock election has given me the confidence to vote in a real election once I am eligible,” said Gracie Auger, Grade 12 Student at Bishop Alexander Carter C.S.S.
Joanne Bénard, Director of Education for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board is pleased with the enthusiasm that the schools have shown toward promoting student voice during the election.
“One of our goals as a School Board is to continue to engage in activities that advocate for student voice,” she explained. “Student Vote programs afford students the opportunity to learn about the electoral process, research, and practice analytical skills in a hands-on scenario. We are proud to partner with Student Vote Ontario and provide our students with tools that promote citizenship and civic duty.”
For more information about Student Vote Ontario, please visit