Bishop ACCSS Recipients of the Dr. Bette M. Stephenson Award

On Tuesday, November 17, Cassandra MacGregor, Principal of Bishop Alexander Carter Catholic Secondary School, along with teachers Robert Boucher and Marah Pardoe were presented with the Dr. Bette M. Stephenson Recognition of Achievement Award for 2015 from the provincioal Education Quality and Accountability Office at the Sudbury Catholic Board meeting. The group from Bishop had attended a recognition ceremony that took place on Wednesday, October 28, 2015, in Toronto. This recognition program was established by the EQAO board of directors in 2009, as a tribute to Dr. Stephenson’s lifelong commitment and contribution to education and public service. The award was given to Bishop ACCSS, one of the 18 elementary and secondary schools in the province to receive this honour, to recognize this school’s community for its efforts, over many years, at improving student achievement and for its use of EQAO results to improve student learning. Mike Young, Principal, School Support and Outreach for the E.Q.A.O. office was on hand at the board meeting to present the group with a plaque and to explain why Bishop was selected. According to Young, the school has used three important initiatives – using all human resources available, using technology in the classroom, and collaborating with the feeder schools. Jody Cameron, Chair of the Board for SCDSB congratulated the group for their efforts. “We want to publically recognize the hard work happening out at Bishop and congratulate them on their outstanding achievement,” stated Cameron. “We know this hard work is paying off, as our Bishop data is indicating, and we are very pleased to see that our teachers continue to make our students’ successes a priority.”