Bell Let’s Talk at Sudbury Catholic Schools
Supporting Mental Health and Well-Being at Sudbury Catholic January 24-28, 2022
It’s Bell Let’s Talk Day on Wednesday, January 26 and Sudbury Catholic is joining the conversation all week long to raise awareness and encourage discussions about mental health.
One in five Canadians will experience a mental health illness at some point in their life, and most will be cautious about talking about it or reaching out for help. For anyone living with a mental illness, stigma is one of the biggest hurdles to overcome. In fact, it is why two-thirds of people do not seek help. Bell Let’s Talk Day reminds us that talking is the best way to start breaking down the barriers associated with mental illness and accessing mental health support.
COVID-19 is affecting every aspect of our lives including a profound impact on our mental health and wellbeing. The pandemic has magnified historically deep-rooted economic, social, and racial inequities that continue to disproportionately affect Black, Indigenous, LGBTQQI2S+ and students living with special needs, in addition to other vulnerable and marginalized communities. We need to be flexible, creative, compassionate, and culturally responsive to support the realities and lived experiences these students and their families face. From helping people to recognize stressors to being there for someone, all these actions support mental health and strengthen our school communities during this challenging time.
During the week of January 24 to 28, educators are encouraged to intentionally pause and take some time to have classroom discussions about mental health and well-being.