BACCSS R/C Club Bishop Cup: Gators vs. Patriotes September 23, 2013

They say good things are worth the wait, and Monday’s R/C car race at Bishop Alexander Carter C.S.S. proved it true! After having to postpone the race due to adverse weather conditions, the 1/10th scale racing machines hit the track at the Bishop Carter R/C Speedway. As an added twist to this year’s Bishop Cup event, the Gators invited the R/C club from Franco Cite, located in Sturgeon Falls, to take part in the festivities.
It was an afternoon of high speed and high flying action as over 20 cars raced in 4 exciting classes. At stake were trophies and school pride. To keep track of the action, Bishop Carter set up a state-of-the-art electronic timing system. The system not only tells drivers when to go and stop, but it also keeps track of the number of laps, lap times, and fastest lap all while giving verbal cues to the drivers about their performance during the race.
Not only were students and teachers racing, but a special group of “All Stars” came out to try their hand at R/C racing. This group of star racers included, Bishop Carter’s Principal Mrs. Cassandra MacGregor, Constable Joanne Russell from the Greater Sudbury Police, and Mr. Dan Turnbull from the Greater Sudbury Fire Service. Not only did the All Stars have fun, but they also gained a whole new respect for how difficult these little racers are to control.
R/C racing is an inexpensive hobby. Many students have joined the club. Some students are racers. Some students are part of a tech crew, while others are part of the track crew. Some students serve as race marshals. Evidently, there is a role for any student interested in joining the club. Proceeds from the R/C buyout will go towards purchasing a set of school racers for students who are interested in trying out this activity before buying their own R/C racer.
After the dust settled, it was a fun and exciting day for everyone involved, including not only the students and teachers who were racing, but also for the students, parents, and special guests watching from the grandstands. With this fall’s R/C buyout being such a huge success, they are excited about planning for the up-coming spring’s R/C buyout.