FSL Homework Toolbox
A resource for FI students who require an accessible user friendly reference tool to help with homework. The resource was created with the purpose of supporting FSL students and parents in 60 English school boards across Ontario.
Kids Help Phone
Kids Help Phone is a national 24-hour bilingual and anonymous phone counseling, online counseling and referral service for children and youth.
Mathies.ca is designed for Ontario K-12 students, educators and parents/guardians.
Student Resources from the Ministry of Education
Resources from the Ministry of Education geared toward student success, financial planning and careers.
Virtual Learning Environmental (vLE)
This dynamic online learning environment provides a variety of instructional options and assists students in completing diploma requirements.
Xello (Career Exploration)
Xello is an online program that helps anyone, anywhere in the world create a successful future through self-knowledge, exploration, and planning.