Bishop Alexander Carter C.S.S.

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Guest Speakers in Schools

In accordance with the Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act (2023), details about upcoming guest speakers or organizations presenting to students will be posted on this page.

Professional Activity Days

Please take a moment to explore the details of our upcoming Professional Activity (PA) Days:

Update Your Contact Information

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Host International Students!

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 Home of the Gators

Welcome to Bishop Alexander Carter! It is with enthusiasm that I join the Bishop Alexander Carter School community as your new principal. Our school’s motto, "Because We Believe," is a powerful reminder of the faith, dedication, and potential that guide everything we do here. We believe in the ability of every student to succeed, to grow, and to make a difference in the world around them. This belief forms the foundation of our approach to education, and it is what drives us to continually strive for excellence in all areas.

Read Principal's Full Message

Baylie Morgan is one of the 2020 Undergraduate Scholarship Recipients awarded by the Registered Nurses Federation of Ontario. She was also awarded the Queens Appeal Scholarship and the Alice J. Baumgart Award for placing in the top 10% of each class. She thinks often of the incredible education and support she received at Bishop. The experiences provided by administration and the incredible teacher team shaped me into the bright, fearless and resilient individual I am today.

Baylie Morgan


Our Vision

Leaders in Learning and Faith

Our Mission

To realize each student’s potential within our inclusive Catholic learning community by nurturing and developing their mind, body and spirit.

Our Values

Modelling Jesus in the world through:
Faith — Respect — Community — Innovation — Learning



Our strategic
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